Das Glacis Open Air toppte mit seiner zweiten Auflage am Samstag, 23. Juli 2022, alle im Jahr zuvor aufgestellten Zahlen, während die Grundlage gleichgeblieben ist:
- ten collectives,
- seven stages,
- five areas,
- a park.
Only at this one-day showcase open air was not possible to see and hear everything in this one day. Because the program was more diverse than ever. 23 music acts from all directions - spatially as well as stylistically, workshops, games, readings and much, much more were experienced by the approximately 8,000 visitors with free admission. The audience was as diverse as the offerings. This record number of visitors was spread over the entire day.
But even the pinnacle of human abundance raised the bar to new heights: While ÄTNA musically ignited the main stage on the Hang zum Klang, there were 4,000 people on the entire site, including 2,500 in front of the stage alone.
„Wir sind sehr stolz und beseelt durch die Resonanz, die Unterstützung und den reibungslosen Ablauf der Veranstaltung“, resümiert Gina Maria Mund vom Trägerverein Musikkombinat Magdeburg e. V.
Ein besonderes Highlight der Veranstaltung war der TEDxMagdeburg-Vortrag mit anschließender Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „Stadtentwicklung“. Das Interesse der Besucher:innen war enorm und ihre Beteiligung durch Fragen und Meinungsäußerungen scheinbar unerschöpflich. Mit eben dieser Begeisterung wurden ausnahmslos alle Workshops angenommen und besucht.
Gina Maria Mund knows what was necessary to realize this spectacle: "Our supporting program, the line-up, the cooperation with the collectives and actors, everything was conceived in cooperation. Almost a whole year was spent working on it on a voluntary basis. So in the end, these gallons of heart and soul in the event were tangible for probably all the people in Glacis Park."
Moreover, all this was only possible, he said, because the approximately 250 volunteer collective members were supported by another 60 volunteers. The organizers hope to shake these helping hands again next year and welcome more.